
  • 11/2020
    Year of investment
  • 40m€
  • 70
  • Kempele
  • Ownership arrangement
    Why Juuri?

Kamrock is a company specialized in crushing and processing of rock aggregates. The company’s, established in 2016, roots lie deep in the bedrock of North Ostrobothnia. Kamrock’s customerbase consists of building construction, infrastructure construction and mining players, among which the company has become known for its quality and reliable service.

“We are very excited to have Juuri Partners on board to support our growth going forward. We have developed our services and refined our processes systematically, as well as created new products and services stemming from customer demand. The next step is to seek further growth domestically but also in other Nordic countries, and we are also constantly aiming to improve the service for our existing customers.” Jarkko Peräaho, CEO