
  • 6/2016
    Year of investment
  • 14m€
  • 45
  • Pietarsaari
  • Succession
    Why Juuri?

Vitality And Oy brings together players in the natural product and organic industry who operate responsibly and promote natural wellbeing. The roots of the wellbeing product group lie in the Valioravinto company, which has operated in Pietarsaari since 1960 and is the oldest natural product company in Finland.

The company’s revenue was 8.8 million euros at the time when Juuri invested in it in 2016. In 2017, Vitality And Oy enhanced its business by acquiring all the shares of Oy Makrobios Ab, which specializes in organic and allergy products. The group’s subsidiaries, Valioravinto Oy and Oy Makrobios Ab, operate as independent companies.

The company’s success is based on the high quality of operations, solid research and product development, safety and reliability. The company carried out a generational change in 2016, in connection with which Juuri become involved as the partner of the new entrepreneur and the enabler of the change.

Founded in 1960, Valioravinto is Finland’s oldest health product company. The company’s net sales were EUR 8.8 m in 2016. In connection with a succession Juuri partnered with the third generation entrepreneur in 2016.

The involvement of Juuri opened up the possibility to become an entrepreneur. Business support and financing for growth continue to enable high-quality product development and the satisfaction of the evolving needs of the growing market. Public interest towards health benefits is constantly on the rise, and Vitality And companies are committed to meeting consumer demands.

Kim Pomoell, CEO


📣 @JuuriPartners irtautuu lämpötilahallitun logistiikan edelläkävijä Kylmästi Paras Oy:stä Collico Oy:n ostaessa siitä osake-enemmistön.

"Kylmästi Parhaan osaaminen ja asiakkuudet täydentävät erinomaisesti Collicon kasvustrategiaa."

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